Privacy Policy

Welcome, and thank you for using our app. We attach great importance to protecting the personal data of our users. We would therefore like to inform you about the nature and extent of collection, processing and use of personal data in connection with the following services (hereinafter comprehensively referred to as the “Online Services”): the use of our app; the use of the functions, activities and content associated with our app; the use of our external websites on social networks.


The controller responsible for the processing of data on this website is:

Studio GAUS GmbH
Erich-Steinfurth-Str. 6
10243 Berlin

The contact details we publish in the context of our obligation to provide a legal notice for our website may not be used by third parties to send us information and advertisements, unless we have expressly requested such information and advertisements to be sent. We reserve the right to take legal measures should we receive unsolicited promotional information (e.g. spam emails).

Since pursuant to Article 37 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we are under no obligation to designate a company data-protection officer, we do not have a specific person responsible for data protection whose contact details we could publish here. But even though we do not have a designated company data-protection officer, we still fulfil all our obligations in the context of data processing with the required professional care.

Collection and storage of personal data

General information on data processing

Personal data are data that can be used to identify or contact a person, e.g. a person’s name, address, email addresses, etc.

Taking into account the above definition, our Online Services can generally be used without the user supplying any personal data. Based on the data we typically store, we will therefore neither be able to identify nor contact a user.

In addition to the option of using our Services simply to obtain information, we also offer a range of other services that you may use, should you be interested. In this case, you will generally have to provide further personal data which we will use to provide the relevant service; the data-processing policy which we have set out above will also apply to this type of personal data.

We will sometimes commission external service providers to process your data. We select and commission our service providers with due care; they are subject to our direction, and are regularly monitored. You will find detailed information below on the operations necessary in cases where we commission service providers to provide certain functions for our Online Services, or where we wish to use your data for advertising purposes. In this connection, we will also inform you about the criteria we will apply to the period for which the personal data will be stored.

We may furthermore disclose your personal data to third parties in cases where we join forces with partners to give our users a chance to use certain services, such as participating in special activities, going in for competitions to win prizes, or concluding a contract. More detailed information on this issue is provided below in the context of a description of each particular service.

The data will be erased as soon as they are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were collected.

Purpose of processing

Storing and processing of such data is necessary for the proper functioning of the Online Services, e.g. in order to provide the Online Services to users, or to enable users to contact us. We use the data to improve the functioning of our Online Services and in order to ensure that our information technology systems are secure.

Contacting us

If you contact us via email or using the contact form, your data (name as well as contact details, if provided) and your message will be processed solely for the purpose of processing and handling your enquiry. In compliance with Article 6(1)(b) GDPR or Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, as the case may be, we will process this type of data for the purpose of handling your enquiry. As soon as your enquiry has been fully processed, your data will be erased. Your data will be erased if circumstances show that the matter in question has been conclusively settled, and no statutory data retention obligations stand in the way of us erasing the data.

Data processing if you visit our website

We will only log the personal data that your browser transmits to our server if you use our website solely to obtain information, i.e. if you do not register or transmit information to us in any other manner. If you view our website, we will collect the type of data described below. We require these data for technical reasons, in order to be able to display our website to you and also to guarantee its stability and security. The legal basis for data processing is provided by Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

The following data will be collected in this context: your IP address (anonymised), the date and time of the request, the time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the subject matter of the request (the specific web page accessed), the access status and/or the HTTP status code, the volume of data transmitted in each case, the website from which the request was transmitted, your browser, your operating system and its desktop, and the language and version of your browser software.

In the event that the data are stored in log files, the data will be erased no later than seven days after they were stored. The data may also be stored for a longer period. Should they be stored for a longer period, any user’s IP address will be erased or distorted; it will therefore no longer be possible to correlate the accessing client with the data.


Cookies are small files that the website that is accessed places on a user’s computer with the aid of the web browser; the aim of a cookie, at a later stage, is to provide the server with the information on the user that the cookie has stored. The present website uses the two types of cookies described below; their scope and method of operation are also explained below:

  • Temporary cookies will be erased automatically as soon as you close your browser. This type of cookie particularly includes so-called session cookies. Session cookies store a so-called “session ID” that enables a cookie to assign the various requests from your browser to the joint session shared by all these requests. This will enable our server to recognise your computer when you return to our website. Session cookies will be erased as soon as you log out or close your browser.
  • Permanent cookies are erased automatically after a predetermined period has elapsed; this period may vary, depending on the type of cookie. You can erase cookies in the security settings of your browser at any time.

You can also configure your browser settings to reflect your wishes; you can refuse, for instance, to accept third party cookies, or any cookies at all. Please note that in that case you may not be able to use certain functions of the present website.

App Store

You can download our app in the app store that matches your operating system. As a requirement for downloading the app, you may have to register with the app store first, and you may also have to install the app store software. In this case, the app store provider will collect the data in his capacity as controller.

Permissões de acesso

Para que o aplicativo funcione corretamente, você deverá permitir o acesso a certas funções do smartphone, o que ficará gravado no seu aparelho. Quando você começar a usar o aplicativo em geral ou quando você usar uma função particular, você receberá uma pergunta simples para confirmar a permissão de acesso. A base legal para usar permissões de acesso é o Artigo 6(1)(b) GDPR.

Notificações pop-up

Mesmo que você não esteja com seu aplicativo aberto, ainda assim gostaríamos de informar-lhe sobre eventos importantes, cuja informação o nosso aplicativo fornece. Usamos as chamadas notificações pop-up para esse propósito.

O aplicativo enviará para você flashes de novidades apenas se você já tiver concordado expressamente que elas lhe sejam enviadas. Quando você iniciar o aplicativo pela primeira vez, nós lhe perguntaremos se você quer que sejam mostrados flashes de novidades em seu aparelho móvel. Você pode desabilitar a opção "receber notificações pop-up" nas configurações do aplicativo ou nas configurações do seu aparelho; desse modo, você pode retirar seu consentimento a qualquer momento.

Online presence on social media

We maintain an online presence on social networks and platforms in order to be able to communicate with any person, user and interested party active on these networks and platforms, and in order to provide them with information about our own activities. If you access any of these networks or platforms, the business terms and data-processing policies of the relevant provider will apply.

Unless provided for otherwise in our Privacy Policy, we will process the data of data subjects (persons concerned) who communicate with us via social networks or platforms, e.g. in the event that data subjects post on our online presence or send us a message.

Period for which the data will be stored

We adhere to the principles of data reduction and data economy. We will store personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed; we will also cease storing your personal data as soon as you withdraw your previously given consent. As soon as the particular purpose ceases to apply and/or whenever you exercise any of the relevant rights you have as a data subject, the data in question will be made unavailable, anonymised and/or erased in accordance with the rules and statutory provisions.

Rights of a data subject (person concerned)

Exercising your rights

Should you no longer agree to your personal data being stored, or should your personal data have become incorrect, upon being instructed by you to do so, we will arrange for your data to be erased or made unavailable, or we will carry out the necessary corrections, as the case may be (and insofar as this is possible under applicable law). The same applies if you require us to make only restricted use of certain data in future.

Please contact us by the following means if you have any questions about the processing of your personal data or wish to be provided with information or wish to have data corrected, made unavailable, erased or transmitted to another company, or object to the use of data:

Studio GAUS GmbH, Erich-Steinfurth-Str. 6, 10243 Berlin, countries

If you exercise your right to objection, please state your grounds for objecting to your personal data being processed in the manner in which we have previously processed them. If you lodge a justified objection, we will first check the factual circumstances. We will then either cease to process your data or adjust processing or, alternatively, inform you about the compelling grounds warranting particular protection, according to which we will continue to process your data.

If you have consented to the processing of your data, you may withdraw this consent at any time with effect for the future. Once you have notified us of such a withdrawal, the withdrawal will affect the admissibility of processing your personal data.

Última atualização: 15 de dezembro de 2019