Get ready for school

Il progetto

In 2018, approximately 6.9 million migrant children were present in the European Union, often lacking sufficient language skills that hinder their school readiness.

This project aims to address the language preparation needs of preschool children from migrant families, providing parents with tools to foster their children's language competence and readiness for school.

As part of the project, a comprehensive platform will be developed, serving as a central hub for parents and teachers. This platform will focus on promoting multilingualism and fostering intercultural learning. Additionally, an e-learning app will be created, featuring modules that target vocabulary and language preparation for school. The app will be accessible in four languages - German, Lithuanian, Polish, and Slovenian.

To support language learning further, the project will provide guidelines for parents and suggest family activities that facilitate language development. Ultimately, the project aims to enhance the availability of e-learning materials for migrant parents and children, improving their access to language learning resources.

Finanziato dall'Unione europea. Le opinioni espresse appartengono, tuttavia, al solo o ai soli autori e non riflettono necessariamente le opinioni dell'Unione europea o dell’Agenzia esecutiva europea per l’istruzione e la cultura (EACEA). Né l'Unione europea né l'EACEA possono esserne ritenute responsabili.

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