EACH - Early Childhood and Sustainable Citizenship Routes in the Digital Era


Digital transformation is happening rapidly and reshaping the education landscape. The EACH project will offer crucial methods to nurture and develop transversal key competences for digital skills in preschools, maintaining excellence in pedagogical practices for a flourishing humanity.

Focusing on sustainability and climate crisis issues while using collaborative knowledge-building approaches, the project aims to foster critical thinking, social skills, and metacognitive skills to ensure that digital transformation enhances fairness and equity in the global social world.

The pedagogical materials will include online guidelines for best practices, activities, and a portfolio of potential activity plans, featuring ready-to-use applications for kindergarten, and a self-evaluation strategy to reinforce ongoing learning through practice and experience.

Kindergarten teachers, parents, and other educators will be able to use and apply these free materials to cultivate a caring, collaborative, and conscious attitude from the very early stages of children’s lives, ensuring that digital transformation reinforces intelligent human agency.

All materials will be available in English, Italian, Polish, and Portuguese, and will be fully accessible online by the end of 2026.

Rahastatud Euroopa Liidu poolt. Avaldatud seisukohad ja arvamused on ainult autori(te) omad ega pruugi kajastada Euroopa Liidu või Euroopa Hariduse ja Kultuuri Rakendusameti (EACEA) seisukohti ja arvamusi. Euroopa Liit ega EACEA nende eest ei vastuta.

Partner organisations

Following associated partners will provide support: